Newly elected Sheriffs throughout Texas were given a primer on how to effectively and efficiently operate county jails by the Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT).
The Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT) was created in 1994 and became responsible for developing and delivering professional development training programs for personnel in juvenile and adult institutional and community corrections agencies. The Institute also provides technical assistance to criminal justice agencies and serves as a host to a number of conferences, training initiatives and meetings of agencies and professional organizations.
Newly elected Sheriffs throughout Texas were given a primer on how to effectively and efficiently operate county jails by the Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT).
In Nueces County, almost half of the probation officers are assigned to specialized caseloads, including domestic violence, veterans, reentry, mental health, drug diversion, and drunken driving.
April 12, 2013
9:30 - 11:00 A.M.
Hazel B. Kerper Courtroom
Dr. Joanne Belknap, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado at Boulder, is the author of The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime, and Justice , will present "The Trauma, Mental Health, and Offending Histories of Women in Jail: Results of a Multi-Site U.S. Study."
Dr. Joanne BelknapDr. Belknap’s research focuses on female offenders and violence against women and girls. Her latest study, a national sample of women in jail, was funded by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance to examine women’s pathways to jail, with a focus on how these women’s trauma, serious mental illness, alcohol, and drug use, and offending intersect. The study found high rates of mental health problems, with a majority of the participants meeting diagnostic criteria for serious mental illness (SMI), lifetime post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or substance use disorder (SUD).